
  • Adelino Pereira da Silva
  • Edmilson Alves de Azevêdo



Postmodernity. Mass Media. Dialect Culture. Aesthetic Experience.


The present study deals with a discussion about the investigation of Gianni Vattimo's philosophical reflection on "post-modernity". Through the thinking of this Italian philosopher, it is pointed out, from his arguments about the postmodern, to the need to reflect on the current conditions in relation to culture and the new way of understanding the world for contemporary society, because, according to Vattimo, one should think of it as a whole, as something that is not limited to partial readings of its context. To this end, we use Vattimo's interpretations of the philosophers' thinking, such as Friedrich Nietzsche and Martin Heidegger, in which we find the necessary bases for a crucial understanding of our time and, consequently, the unfolding of his philosophical thoughts on the subject . Thus, it is proposed a reflection on the new experiences coming from postmodernity, notably on the performance of the mass media in this society, seeking to elucidate the new cultural configuration present in the so-called postmodern society and, consequently, the mass action media in this globalized society, mainly through the reading of The Transparent Society, aiming at its proposal of emancipation of thought, in view of being possible to present the culture of the dialects and the artistic experience present in this cultural context, as being characteristic of what will be called a media society.


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