
  • Pedro Henrique Nogueira Pizzutti Mestrando em Filosofia na Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL)
  • Gelson Liston Doutor em Filosofia e Professor Associado do Departamento de Filosofia da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL) e do PPGFIL/UEL



Logical Empiricism, Foundationalism, Rudolf Carnap, Aufbau, Re-evaluation


The article aims to conduct a re-evaluation of the Rudolf Carnap’s constructional project showed at the Aufbau. Historically the main critics and divulgators of the carnapian work focused their comments on the platform of rational reconstructional of scientific knowledge constituted in the Aufbau. Identifying Carnap and the Logical Empiricism movement with a naïve version of justificationist foundationism which followed the lines of Modern Empiricism they created a stereotyped view of Carnap’s work. In this article we return to the Carnap’s Aufbau showing how the critics’ classic view, in special that from Quine in “Naturalized epistemology”, does not do justice to the project presented in the Aufbau’s text. Starting from the question “the construcional project is logical-linguistic or epistemological?” we reconsidered the main points of the work showing that this presents a logical-linguistic project in detriment to a strictly epistemological project as has being advocated by the classical interpretation.


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