
  • Ijaelson Clidório Pimentel a
  • Antonio Gomes da Silva UFCG



Africa. Afroperspectivismo. Diversity. Teaching philosophy. Eurocentrism.


The objective of this essay is to awaken in the philosophy teacher the perception of the need to deconstruct crystallized teaching ideas, predominantly a history of Eurocentric philosophy, without opportunities to thought exercise considering its own dynamicity. This leads to the search for the conception of a philosophy teaching open to the thought of diversity, so that all cultures are considered as equal in their rational capacity, be they African, Greek, Chinese, Indian, Latin and many other potential holders of philosophies and meanings. In this context, is presented the concept of Afropperspectivism developed in Brazil, particularly by the philosopher Renato Nogueira as a proposal to overcome the exclusionary concept of life and teaching, a result of the thought colonization. In order to achieve this goal, the reading and interchange with texts of African philosophers and some of its commentators is used. Among the first ones stand out FANON (2008), ORUKA (2002) and TOWA (2015); among the latter, DANTAS (2014, 2018), FLOWER OF BIRTH; BOTELHO (2010), GOMES (2014), JESUS; NEGRI; CANDIDO (s/d), NOGUERA (2011, 2014), OLIVEIRA (2012), TOMAZETTI; BENETTI (2012). Also relevant debate is established with Latin American philosophers and philosophers, especially regarding the teaching of philosophy from a diversity perspective. Among these, we mention ASPIS; GALLO (2009) and CERLETTI (2009). The result of these multiple readings and interlocutions is the clarification of positions, values and practices that think philosophy and philosophy teaching taking into account the diversity of cultures, knowledge and thinking, recognizing new epistemic territories that are outside the logic of Eurocentrism . Particularly Afropperspectivism is open, inclusive, dialogical, full of potential as a way of thinking, or as a starting point for the teaching of philosophy. This essay concludes by pointing to the possibility of constructing the teaching of philosophy from the perspective of the thought of diversity in general and of African philosophy in particular; not as a negation of European thought, but as recognition that there is philosophical, authentic and autochthonous thinking that transcends European rationality.


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