
  • Bas´Ilele Malomalo UNILAB/IHL Campos dos Malês - Bahia




African philosophy, Rigths, Nature, Cosmos


The ontological crisis that marks the humanity today has led progressive intellectuals to think of new ways of overcoming it. The text presented, based on Ntu's African ancestral philosophy and contemporary African philosophies, specifically Ramose's Ubuntu and Ntumba´s and Biosity philosophies, and suggests the use of the term biocosmic rights or Ntu rights to reflect on land rights, nature rights , ecological rights. The plausibility of this term is that it places at the center of the debate the Community-of-Life or Ntu-Community that manifests itself through its particularities: sacred-ancestral community, universe-nature-community, and bantu-community or humans. The ethical and scientific responsibility that arises is to work for the harmony of these three life-communities that form Cosmic-Biso, Ubuntu, the Being-Being, which is always moving and open to each other.


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