
  • Fabrício Klain Cristofoletti UVA



Faith, Reason, History, Prophecy, Bible


This paper aims to investigate a neglected aspect of the influence of Augustine upon Boethius: how they first justify Christian faith by using historical, prophetical and biblical arguments. The method involves a verification of the reception of Augustine’s work by Boethius, by a discursive and argumentative comparison, and an analysis of their philosophical resemblances and differences through the two most relevant writings: Augustine’s De Trinitate and Boethius’s De fide catholica. It is shown that they first appeal to history, prophecy and Scriptures to found the Christian faith, but also rationally justify this approach and organize these beliefs in a theoretical structure. It is understood that there are three common features regarding their historical and prophetical foundations: a special attention to their present times, christocentrism and ecclesiology. In concern to the Scriptures, they are always the basis, even if sometimes the biblical framework is hard to be recognized.


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