
  • Luciana Neiva UFMG
  • Verlaine Freitas UFMG



Theodor Adorno, Fetishism, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud


The objective of the text is to analyze the concept of cultural fetishism proposed by Theodor Adorno, starting from its most striking theoretical origins: Freud, when analyzing the structure of the psyche of individuals, and Marx, when demonstrating the weight of social objectivity on the subjective constitution. We seek to elucidate the foundations of cultural fetishism and its forms of domination in the totalitarianism of the production and reception of commodities, supported by the imposing force of the cultural industry and the infantilization of the psyche. Finally, we emphasize Adorno’s proposals for an emancipation of art, especially music, with a view to expanding the subjective critical capacity.


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