
  • Deyvison Lima UFPI
  • Antonia Cristiana Andrade




Experience, School, Difference, Jorge Larrosa


This article presents school, education and teaching through a genealogy of experience, according to Jorge Larrosa. With the objective of exposing a critique of the normalizing conceptions of teaching and outlining alternatives for the contemporary school, the education is rethought as a possible place for experience, or rather, experience as the possibility of difference. In times of default, we reinforce the school’s praise. Thus, childhood, experience and philosophy intersect when thinking about teaching: childhood treated as the original moment of the beginning - not chronologically, but as the ever-present origin - experience as what happens to us and what passes for us / in us and philosophy as the childhood of thought. In this context, the article to approach the teaching of philosophy as a possibility of experience, instead of materials or content, more affective than formal, closer to a technique of itself than an evaluative mechanism, with a view to practice of experience, whose purpose is to situate the knowledge of experience in the school environment. After the proof about the poverty of experience, in a close dialogue with Walter Benjamin and Giorgio Agamben, the article presents the characteristics of this notion to Larrosa through the analysis of his thesis, according to which experience is “what passes to me”. Afterwards, it articulates the notion of experience with the theme of school, or rather, of scholé, in its Greek origins as free time. The conclusion allows us to critically reconstruct the discourse of the pedagogized society and the foundations of the contemporary school institution.



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