
  • Vittorio Ricci Università Roma Tor Vergata




Hegel, Aristotele, Anima, Intelletto, Pensiero


The case of the translation of the Aristotelian De anima III 4-5 (429b22-430a25) in the overall panorama of translation science is more unique than rare. Hegel, in a particular moment of his theoretical activity (around 1816-1820), finds some really significant hints in the distinction between νοῦς παθητικός or in potentiality and νοῦς ποιητικός or in the act, which Aristotle describes in his quoted text which is equally more unique than rare and valued one of the most complexes of philosophical literature. Although Hegel remodels the distinction according to the personal dialectic of oppositions, in this case of passivity and the activity of thinking with its logical (conceptual thinking), psychological (the dimension of Versand), and anthropological (the dimension of Seele) implications, it shows a truly precious and very high translational diligence and competence, even if the said translation is carried out above all ad usum privatum with natural didactic purposes especially in the field of history of philosophy.


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