
  • Joel Francisco Decothé Junior Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS)
  • Jéferson Luís de Azeredo



Time, Heidegger, Existential, Dasein


The concept of temporality was thought by Martin Heidegger in Being and Time (1927), especially throughout the second section, instigating an important question: how to think about time in relation to the ontological project? The temporality here contains an understanding of the very form of the existence of the being that we are, as " threw" into the world (In-der-Welt-sein), as: Dasein. It seeks to understand how Dasein articulates and faces the demands of time. What goes through this layer of meaning is the fact that chronological time stops us with the obscurity of this search for the meaning of being. The notion of time is not reduced to the action of movement with successive and straight moments, in terms of equivalence where one can make and obtain its measurement. Time, in Heideggerian terms, presents itself as an existential phenomenon, and always occurs as an “opening”, as an existential possibility. Is perception possible, a philosophical encounter with the question or just an insight for the few? How can we think of time as a realization of the reality of being-there? So, we will take these and other questions here in this text in the exercise of thinking about how Heidegger puts temporality as existential and what we can expect from this ontological change.


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Author Biographies

Joel Francisco Decothé Junior, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS)

Doutorado em Filosofia no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos. Possui mestrado em Filosofia pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (2016). Graduação em Teologia pela Faculdades EST (2014) e graduação em Filosofia pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (2014). Tem interesse de pesquisas em Filosofia Social e Política, Ética, Antropologia Filosófica e Teologia Histórico-Sistemática. Docente do bacharelado em Filosofia no Instituto de Filosofia Espírito e Vida - (IFEV) do Seminário Diocesano de Teófilo Otoni e Instituto Santo Tomás de Aquino (ISTA/BH)   

Jéferson Luís de Azeredo

Doutorado em Filosofia no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos.


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2022-09-23 — Updated on 2022-09-26



