
  • Flavio Gabriel Capinzaiki Ottonicar Universidade Federal de São Carlos



Locke, Law of nature, Moral


This paper aims to show and to analyze the concept of law of nature in the English philosopher John Locke’s thought. It starts from reestablishment of law of nature in the way presented by absolutist thought of Robert Filmer – the philosopher against who Locke argues – that presents an idea of nature related to tradition for, after that, to contrast to Locke’s idea of law of nature, more linked to a reason dictate than the tradition of authority. It is analyzed too, in Locke’s thought, the intrinsic relationship between law of nature presented, not only but mainly, in Second Treatise of Government (1690), and Locke’s reasoning about morality in Essay on Human Understanding (1690), from which it's possible to go through the way run by Locke to find law of nature as rule of the reason. Finally, it is intended to discuss Locke's opinion about the role of nature in the formation of civil society as well as about the best form of organization of the State in the face of what the law of nature prescribes, that is, the conservation of each individual and, as far as possible, of all humanity.


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