


Passions of the soul, mechanism, sentiment, moral, Descartes


The concept of passions of the soul has not been the same since Descartes' first writings, as the philosopher deepens his understanding of the subject, especially from his correspondence with Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia. An example of this is the Treatise on the Passions, the last work published by the author during his lifetime (1649) and the culmination of his position on the theme of the passions. In this scenario, the present article seeks to trace a brief itinerary of the exchange of ideas that culminates in this treaty, highlighting the displacements and reformulations that Descartes promotes about the concept of passion. First, we will discuss the initial formulation of the category of passion made by Descartes in the Treatise on Man and in the Principles of Philosophy. Secondly, we selected some letters that allow us to explain the debate that led Descartes to review his position. And, finally, we indicate the concept of passions of the soul that Descartes arrives at in the Treatise on the passions.


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