


Abduction, Peirce, Umberto Eco, The name of the rose


This paper investigates the concept of abduction in the novel The name of the rose, by Umberto Eco. The book, released in 1980, was a landmark in literature, gaining great influence both inside and outside academia. In its narrative, it is possible to see much of the academic aspect of its author, such as his studies in medieval philosophy. Besides that, Eco's philosophy was greatly influenced by Peirce and this is also noticeable in his works of fiction as well. That is the reason why this article analyzes the role of Peirce's abduction in Eco's first novel and how it works as a character development for the protagonist, Guilherme de Baskerville. For this, first, the influence of Peirce on Eco will be discussed. Then, Peirce's philosophy will be presented. And, finally, it will be analyzed how Peircean abduction is developed throughout the book The name of the rose.


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