
  • Andréa Maria do Nascimento Silva Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Black woman, representation, image, racism


This article proposes a reflection on the presence of black women based on their image. In the spaces they occupy and the marks of difference they still carry. Faced with this and still being the target of racist attacks and their intersections, black women humanely resist, exist and face, being present in places previously denied to our ancestors. The construction of this distorted image and the colonial stigmas of difference, something still imprinted on our skin, gives this black woman the image of the woman slave mucama, mulata, the black body that supports everything. From this reflection, we need to understand that the black female presence, beyond these marks and categorizations, must be naturalized from our own representations. Deconstructing preconceived ideas that put us in the place of subalternity. The rupture with this determination is fundamental, so that we can carry out our stories, our emancipated black body, no longer in a limiting context, but in the power and vibration of life itself, black existence in all its fullness.



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