


Deleuze, Idea, Dialetic, Aesthetics


The aim this pape is to inquire to what extent Deleuze privilegie a thought crated in direct relation with the sensations, and at the same time, that occurs from reprodution the empiric’s structure in the transcendental. The central issue is to show how thought is created, inside and outside philosophy, without resorting to objective or subjective pressupositions. In this sense, dialectics is understood as a theory of the idea, which cannot be dissociated from aesthetics, while a theory of sensation. We will discuss the perspective which gives the Idea a corporeal reality and how thought is created rather than being something natural. This approach will advance towards the conception that the idea does not belong to a subject as a unit, but is realized as an intensive matter, which is independent of subject-object coordinates, typical of tradition. Finally, we will verify the role of art in the direct relationship between aesthetics and dialectic, following the thesis that this meeting is what Deleuze calls transcendental empiricism, highlighting the role of the idea in bodies. 


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