


Countercolonial, Ethnocide, Humanity, Modernity, Memory


This article problematizes the notion of anthropos formed in modernity as a universal model of humanity. Thus, the main question is how the consolidation of this universal happens by denying the existential and cultural constitutions of the Other. One of these denials is directed to the ancestral memory, so much so that at first we treat this denial as the foundation of the modern project in order to exterminate the potentialities of other ways of sharing the experience in the world. Based on this scenario, we seek to elucidate the strategies of domination of colonial discourse by the "colonial action of extermination of memory" in a dialogue with bell hooks (2017) and Saidiya Hartman (2021). Then, the analysis of these strategies focuses on colonial violence that instrumentalizes the "mouth" (KILOMBA, 2019) to silence colonized people and position them as subalternized subjectivities. But we also propose the vitalization of memory by making use of the concept of "transfluency" of Antônio Bispo dos Santos (2019) in conjunction with the "opacity" of Edouard Glissant (2021). This articulation aims to overcome this action of hegemonic domination that imposes on the Other the payment of his ancestral memory. Finally, we understand that this vitalization produces resistance to the machinery of colonial destruction, establishing an opportunity to generate knowledge outside the hieralist and dominant terminologies of anthropos.


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Author Biographies

Luis Thiago Freire Dantas, Pesquisador independente

Mestre em Filosofia pela UFPR. Título da dissertação: O niilismo histórico-ontológico em Heidegger.

Igor Lorra da Costa Pereira, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Esse trabalho faz parte do projeto de Iniciação Científica financiado pela FAPERJ


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