



Algorithms, Surveillance, Biopolitics, Psychopolitics, Panopticism


This article aims to defend two related propositions. The first one is general and upholds the second. – The beginning and end of a regime of power cannot be clearly and distinctly delimited in historical terms. A regime will resist disappearing by adapting itself and by amalgamating with other regimes. The second proposition is more specific and derives from the first. – Panoptism as a principle is not exclusively applicable to a disciplinary society that, in the 21st century, is supposedly outdated. Both propositions stem from a critique of Byung-Chul Han's perspective as presented in Psychopolitics: neoliberalism and new technologies of power. Finally, this article aims to provide meaning to the expression ‘digital panopticon’ which Byung-Chul does not clearly define. In short, ‘digital panopticon’ names a regime of power whose main purpose is to rule the minds of Internet and social network users.


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