
  • Nicholas Rauschenberg Universidade de Buenos Aires



Nicolas Bourriaud, Jacque Rancière, Claire Bishop, Art and politics


From a brief reconstruction of the notion of relational aesthetics, the central concept of Nicolas Bourriaud, we seek to problematize the place of discourse that implies the theoretical and curatorial practice of the French author. We consider that “relational aesthetics” proposes an interaction device where slogans, objects and actions operate that include the participation of the public within the framework of what we agree to call performance installation. We also reconstruct some of the main criticisms leveled at the French theorist: Ranciere and Bishop, one on the problem of artistic form and another on the lack of antagonism in democratic terms. Finally, we analyze some works that, based on relational devices, displayed both aesthetic and political dimensions, especially for Christoph Schligensief's Bitte liebt Österreich.


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