A Tripolaridade Acadêmica na discussão sobre a Hegemonia Internacional

Notas sobre os Neorrealistas, os Neogramscianos e Susan Strange


  • Mateus de Paula Narciso Rocha Universidade Federal de Uberlândia


The issue of international hegemony, articulated with the debate about the distribution of power, is central to International Relations. It is discussed by several schools of thought, the best known being the theory of structural realism and the neogramscian approach. However, these readings are not the only ones and have important analytical limitations. This article discusses the basic assumptions of the two traditional readings on international hegemony and analyzes the conceptual contribution of Susan Strange's work, which offered another paradigm for understand international hegemony. The author argues that Strange's reading of structural power and international hegemony is not associated with either one of the two traditional perspectives and, while limited, is more fruitful for the analysis of the distribution of international power. The conclusion is that there are three important methods for analyzing international hegemony and not just two as one part of the literature suggests.


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Author Biography

Mateus de Paula Narciso Rocha, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Bacharel em Relações Internacionais (UFU). Mestrando em Relações Internacionais (PPGRI/UFU).



How to Cite

Rocha, M. de P. N. (2021). A Tripolaridade Acadêmica na discussão sobre a Hegemonia Internacional: Notas sobre os Neorrealistas, os Neogramscianos e Susan Strange. Journal of Scientific Initiation on International Relations, 9(17), 35–51. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs/index.php/ricri/article/view/49055


