A doutrina da Guerra ao Terror e a questão de gênero pós-11 de setembro


  • Lais Cavallin Rodrigues Faculdades de Campinas - FACAMP


This research aims to show that the western argument that Muslim women need to be saved exists as a way to divert the focus from neocolonial and imperialist actions, which mobilize Muslim women in order to justify the War on Terror, performing the role of liberators. The research aims to investigate the relationship between the western argument of the need to save women and the action of Islamic fundamentalist groups, to understand US policies that use the argument that as long as there is terrorism, the intervention will be legitimized by the international community.


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How to Cite

Cavallin Rodrigues, L. (2024). A doutrina da Guerra ao Terror e a questão de gênero pós-11 de setembro. Journal of Scientific Initiation on International Relations, 11(22), 1–17. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs/index.php/ricri/article/view/67520


