
  • Gildênia Moura de Araújo Almeida Secretaria da Educação do Ceará - SEDUC


Educação, Literatura, Mulheres, Biografia Modal, Francisca Clotilde




The present work is an experience report titled MY RESEARCH PATH IN THE DOCTORATE ABOUT THE BELETRISTIST AND EDUCATORA CEARENSE FRANCISCA CLOTILDE as a result of my PhD research Women Beletrists and Educators: Francisca Clotilde in the Cearense Society - from 1862 to 1935 in which I carried out a study on the women writers and teachers in provincial Ceará, with the writer and educator Francisca Clotilde (or F. Clotilde) as the protagonist. I built a study of social and educational history based on the story of a personality. With the Modal Biography of Francisca Clotilde we will have a study of the period in which she lived, getting to know society from her ancestors, her family and social environment. We use primary sources obtained from archives (public or private), secondary sources and also literary works, because these give us a demonstration of what everyday life in an institution would be like, day-to-day school life. To construct the work, it was necessary to research newspapers of the time, public instruction documents, private diaries, literary works written by F. Clotilde and academic works about Francisca Clotilde, considered a pioneer with the theme of divorce in Literature (with the work A Divorced) and in Education in Ceará, for being the first woman to teach at the Escola Normal in the capital. Biography, despite being a non-fiction literary genre, for a long time was not considered a safe source within the scope of historiography, but over time this view underwent modifications, starting to arouse interest, not only among the reading public, but also by scientists in the media and history organs. We report on the history of women among male intellectuals, looking for their space in literature and education, thus recovering the history of women belletrists and educators in Ceará and their contributions to the intellectual universe of Ceará.


Keywords: Education, Literature, Women, Modal Biography, Francisca Clotilde





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Author Biography

Gildênia Moura de Araújo Almeida, Secretaria da Educação do Ceará - SEDUC

Pós-Doutorado em História da Educação (Universidade Federal da Paraíba – UFPB) e Pós-Doutorado em Letras Literatura (Universidade Federal do Ceará – UFC); Doutorado em Educação Brasileira (UFC); Mestrado em Letras (UFC); Especialização em Literatura Brasileira (Universidade Estadual do Ceará – UECE); Especialização em Administração Escolar (Universidade Salgado Oliveira – UNIVERSO); e graduação Letras (UFC) e Pedagogia (Universidade Paulista – UNIP). Professora aposentada da Rede Pública Municipal de Maracanaú e em exercício na Rede Estadual do Ceará – SEDUC/CREDE1. Tutora da Universidade Aberta do Brasil (UAB – UFC Virtual e UECE EaD) e Professora Formadora do curso de Pedagogia PARFOR/UFC. Tem publicações em livros acadêmicos e literários.



How to Cite

Almeida, G. M. de A. (2024). MINHA TRAJETÓRIA DE PESQUISA NO DOUTORADO ACERCA DA BELETRISTA E EDUCADORA CEARENSE FRANCISCA CLOTILDE. Revista LiteralMENTE, 4(Especial), 237–246. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs/index.php/rl/article/view/68877