About the Journal

Focus and Scope
The Brazilian Journal of Public and International Policies (RPPI) is a biannual publication from the Post-Graduation Program in Public Management and International Cooperation, developed in 2016 based on the Federal
University of Paraíba. RPPI’s main purpose is to be an unprecedented divulgation vehicle for researches that approach themes in Public Management and Public Policies in two levels: the national and the international.
These include investigations about evaluations of public policies, tools of governmental management, policies of international cooperation and policies created and executed by regional and international
organisms. Theoretical and conceptual reflections about these themes are accepted, provided that they demonstrate originality and fundamentation. We aim to contribute to further the debate in such themes in it’s distinct epistemological and methodological approaches, with equal treatment to qualitative or quantitative approaches. The PRRI publishes articles, research notes and reviews that approach the most varied themes in the multidisciplinary are of study in Public Policies, Public Management and International Cooperation. The article cannot have been published in other journals previously or submitted for publication simultaneously to another journal. The manuscripts can be submitted in Portuguese, English or Spanish.

Peer Evaluation Process

The manuscripts will be pre-analysed by the editors and the editorial body for examination of conformity with the journal’s scope. Once approved, the submissions to the Brazilian Journal of Public and International Policies (RPPI) will be evaluated by external specialists (peers) in a process of anonymous revision. The original articles and research notes will be evaluated by two referees, while the reviews are only analysed by the editors and/or editorial body. The referees will indicate one of the five possible decisions below:

● Accepted for publication;
● Accepted with obligatory corrections;
● Submit to another round;
● Submit to another journal;
● Rejected.
After accepted, we will be in touch with the author to guarantee that the manuscript is within the
journal’s publication policy. Small reviews might be solicited at this point.


Free Access Policy
This journal offers free immediate access to its content, following the principle that making available for free the scientific knowledge to the public generates greater wordly democratization of knowledge.

Fee Policy For Article Processing
This journal does not charge for the submission or the processing of articles.