Problemas de saúde em musicistas com ênfase na família dos metais

uma revisão da literatura


  • Sérgio de Figueiredo Rocha Universidade Federal de São João del Rei (UFSJ)


Musical instruments; Occupational problems in musicians; musician's health.


The musicians’ health, when compared to the athletes’ health, is something that needs much investigation and deepening, given the production in the field of sports science. This review proposes to raise the main evidence on the subject, bringing contributions to the health of musicians, especially wind/brass players. The themes were divided into two major blocks: a) physical/somatic problems; b) psychological problems. In both cases the incidence depends, among other factors, on the level of exposure and intensity to which each subject is exposed. Musculoskeletal discomforts and performance anxiety are by far the most prevalent in each block, affecting about 50% and 20% of individuals, respectively. The teaching-learning environment should generate conditions for this process to take place in a protective and optimized way in relation to the use of time and all issues involving the training strategic planning. Regarding the professional routine, especially in institutions, it would be ideal to have the continuous participation of professionals who could contribute to a better physical and psychological preparation of the musicians, as well as in the early detection of signs and symptoms suggestive of occupational problems, as already occurs in high performance sports.


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Author Biography

Sérgio de Figueiredo Rocha, Universidade Federal de São João del Rei (UFSJ)

Atua no Departamento de Música da UFSJ desde 2006. É professor da classe de trombones, atuando também na comissão de pós-graduação desse departamento nas áreas de performance e saúde do músico. Atualmente exerce a função de Vice-coordenador do curso de música e é membro do Conselho Universitário (CONSU/UFSJ).


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How to Cite

ROCHA, S. de F. Problemas de saúde em musicistas com ênfase na família dos metais: uma revisão da literatura. The Brazilian Trombone Association Journal, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 2, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 sep. 2024.