TRAJETÓRIAS RELIGIOSAS: percursos de pais e mães de santo do candomblé em João Pessoa




Religious Trajectories, African-Brazilian Santeria, Candomble.


Studying the religious trajectories of priests of candomble in João Pessoa was the theme of this research, whose objective was to understand specific elements of religious traffic in the city of João Pessoa, from the search and adherence to candomble. For this purpose, it was observed the trajectories of religious life and the movement of each trajectory, inside and outside the Afro-Brazilian field of five agents, priests (known as father and mother of saint) of candomble. Dialogue with Bourdieu's praxiological sociology was the anchor point of this reflection. The concepts of habitus, field and trajectory become central to the descriptive-analytic frame, as well as the sociological theories that use the concepts of socializing experiences and dispositions. This investigation, a qualitative research, collected data through semi-structured interviews. The analysis of the subjects' trajectories builds an individual path, which, however, is continuously crossed by the social forces, disputes, conflicts, changes and trends that act in the fieldwork.


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Author Biography

Gracila Graciema de Medeiros, UFPB

Estudante de doutorado em sociologia pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Mestre em sociologia e graduada em ciências sociais. Área de concentração, Sociologia da Religião,  com foco em "trânsito religioso".

