CRITICAL THEORY AND ETHNIC-RACIAL RELATIONS: reflections and possibilities in the theoretical field




critical theory, social recognition, progress, decoloniality.


This article discusses the possibility of connecting critical theory with ethnic-racial relations, highlighting the categories of recognition and decoloniality in the theoretical contributions of Axel Honneth and Amy Allen, respectively. Although critical theory is a macro theory based on the logic of the universal individual, recent advances in social research require a transposition of these concepts to particular areas such as race and feminism. Contemporary studies in critical theory have focused on the study of particular areas that allow to understand localized social phenomena. Thus, the connection between critical theory and ethnic-racial relations is an opportunity to develop a more adequate and relevant critical theory for the current world. Axel Honneth emphasizes the importance of social recognition in critical theory, while Amy Allen addresses decoloniality, which seeks to deconstruct colonial power relations still present in our societies. Both categories can be useful for connecting critical theory with ethnic-racial relations in order to understand the complexities of social relations and power established in our society. This work uses the bibliographic review as a method to present a preliminary discussion of these theoretical contributions. The connection between critical theory and ethnic-racial relations is important to reflect specific social phenomena and meet new explanatory demands for old social and sociological problems. Therefore, it is necessary to update and review critical theory to reflect the complexities of social relations and power in our society.


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Author Biography

Roberto E. Alexandre de Abreu, Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB)

Possuo graduação em Psicologia pelo UNIPE (João Pessoa), com ênfase em psicologia social, e uma especialização em Educação em Direitos Humanos pelo Núcleo de Cidadania e Direitos Humanos – NCDH/UFPB. Também possuo graduação em Ciências Sociais pela UFPB. Sou integrante do grupo de estudos NEABI/UFPB, obtive meu mestrado pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Sociologia – PPGS/UFPB e atualmente estou cursando o doutorado no mesmo programa. Meus interesses se voltam para o campo das relações raciais, com foco na interface com a educação. Currículo Lattes.

