
  • Fernanda Daniela Dutra TOMAZ Universidade Paulista
  • Adriano Moraes da SILVA Universidade Paulista
  • Cleber Frigi BISSOLI Universidade Paulista
  • Ricardo Cesar Alves FERREIRA Universidade Paulista
  • Wendel Simões FERNADES Universidade Paulista / Instituto de Ciências da Saúde


Objective: To determine the prevalence of hypothyroidism among elderlies aged over 60 years from the city of Taubaté, SP, Brazil. Material and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study in which we collected information on blood sample results from 200 subjects randomly selected from a private laboratory. The study subjects were selected by rotation among the eligible patients, being both males and females aged over 60 years, living in the city of Taubaté, SP, from June 1st to October 30th 2014. The IMMULITE – SIEMENS device was used, along with the following SIEMENS kits: Free T4 kit – Immulite Free T4, which is a chemoluminescent competitive immune-assay. Reference values: 0.89 to 1.76 (ng/dL); and the TSH kit – Immulite TSH, which is based on an immune-assay. Reference values: 0.4 to 4 uIU/mL. The results of TSH above the reference value and of the free T4 below the reference value were considered as indicatives of clinical hypothyroidism. Results: The prevalence of hypothyroidism was found to be 26.5% (53 subjects), of which 73.58% (39 subjects) showed subclinical hypothyroidism and 28.30% (14 subjects) showed clinical hypothyroidism. The incidence of subclinical and clinical hypothyroidism in women was 52.83% and 16.98%, respectively. In men, the incidence of subclinical hypothyroidism was 20.75%, while clinical hypothyroidism accounted for 9.43% of the cases. Conclusion: Our findings showed a high prevalence of hypothyroidism in the studied sample. DESCRIPTORS Diagnosis. Hypothyroidism. Aged.


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Author Biographies

Fernanda Daniela Dutra TOMAZ, Universidade Paulista


Adriano Moraes da SILVA, Universidade Paulista

Biomédico, Mestre em Engenharia biomédica e Doutorando em Engenharia Biomédica. Professor e coordenador do curso de biomedicina do instituto de ciências da saúde da Universidade Paulista de São José dos Campos – SP.

Cleber Frigi BISSOLI, Universidade Paulista

Graduado em Odontologia, Doutor em Odontologia Radiológica. Coordenador e professor do curso tecnologia em radiologia da Universidade Paulista de São José dos Campos –SP.

Ricardo Cesar Alves FERREIRA, Universidade Paulista

Graduado em Educação física, Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica. Professor do instituto de ciências da saúde da Universidade Paulista de São José dos Campos- SP.

Wendel Simões FERNADES, Universidade Paulista / Instituto de Ciências da Saúde

Graduado em Farmácia Bioquímica, Mestre em Ciências Biológicas. Professor do instituto de ciências da saúde da Universidade Paulista de São José dos Campos – SP



How to Cite

TOMAZ, F. D. D., SILVA, A. M. da, BISSOLI, C. F., FERREIRA, R. C. A., & FERNADES, W. S. (2016). PREVALENCE OF HYPOTHYROIDISM AMONG ELDERLIES FROM TAUBATÉ, SP. Revista Brasileira De Ciências Da Saúde, 20(3), 235–240. Retrieved from


