School Physical Education and Education for Health
SUMMARY The work here presented has the objective of clarifying the hole that the Physical Education, as a global educative process, may have in the promotion and prevention of the population’s health. The work is structured in three parts with the following approaches: the first part presents the conception of the author about Physical Education, its hole in school and the various orientations and conceptions accepted throughout time. The second moment is dedicated to explanation and clarification of a view in health at a multidisciplinary dimension beyond the presentation of some of the current problems related to health, notedly those with greater affinity to physical activities. The third and last part of the work presents the possible relations between the Health and Physical Education dimensions; thus emphasizing the potentialities of those as integrating the activities compound which integrate the health professions, giving privilege to its occurrence in the space and in the “school” institution. DESCRIPTORS Physical Activity and Health. Education for Health. Physical education and Health.Downloads
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How to Cite
SILVA, F. M. D. (2010). School Physical Education and Education for Health. Revista Brasileira De Ciências Da Saúde, 12(1), 81–94. Retrieved from