Relationship Between Glycemic and Lactacidemic Behavior in the Resistance Exercise
SUMMARY Objective: To Investigate the relationship between behavior glycemic and lactate production in the resistance training. Material and methods: Five males (age 18 to 25), performed two sessions with three series of 10 exercises for the lower limbs, with intensity high (SI), using 08 to 12 maximal repetitions; and moderate (SM), with loads equivalent to 50% of SI. Blood samples were taken before and at the end of every two exercises. The serum concentrations of lactate and glucose were made in portable analyzers. The Data were treated by the Wilcoxon test and by Spearman’s correlation (p<0.05). Results: In SI, glycemia was always higher (98, 93.4, 100, 103 and 104 mg/dl) that SM (95.6, 90.6, 93.8, 90.2 and 92.4 mg/dl), with p<0.05 in the last two exercises. The highest glycemic values were accompanied by serum higher concentrations of lactate in SI (7.08, 8.40, 9.12, 7.66, 8.82 mM), compared with SM (6.12, 7.54, 6.06, 5.22 and 6.70 mM), with p<0.05 in the last three measures. It was observed correlation between lactate and glycemia in both SI (r2= 0.839) and SM (r2= 0.873), indicating a cause - effect relationship between lactacidemia and glycemia. Conclusion: The greater lactate production in exercises of the high intensity may be understood as one of the factors involved in the largest glycemic values encountered in these exercises. Descriptors Resistance exercise. Lactate. Glycemia.Downloads
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SILVA, A. S., MACIEL FRANCA, G. A., GRISI, L. M., DE OLIVEIRA, L., & PEREIRA DOS SANTOS, M. A. (2010). Relationship Between Glycemic and Lactacidemic Behavior in the Resistance Exercise. Revista Brasileira De Ciências Da Saúde, 12(2), 189–198. Retrieved from