
  • Andréa Carvalho Araújo Moreira Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú
  • Natália Reis de Carvalho
  • Maria Adelane Monteiro da Silva
  • Thereza Maria Magalhães Moreira
  • Ana Luiza Carvalho Costa
  • Samir Gabriel Vasconcelos Azevedo
  • Francisco Eduardo Silva de Oliveira
  • Naiara Teixeira Fernandes




Saúde do idoso, Atenção primária à Saúde, Hospitalização, Estudos ecológicos


Objective: to evaluate the effect of the coverage of the Family Health Strategy on the rates of Hospitalizations for Conditions Sensitive to Primary Care (HCSPC) of elderly people in the Brazilian Northeast. Methods: An ecological study carried out in the Northeast region, Brazil, from 2008 to 2018. A linear regression was performed in Stata 13.0 between the coverage of the Family Health Strategy and the rate of hospitalizations for sensitive conditions, with a significance level of 5% (p < 0, 05) and 95% confidence interval. Spearman's coefficient was used for correction analysis and simple linear regression, via the stepwise technique, to verify the effect of the family health strategy on hospitalizations. Results: The coverage of the Family Health Strategy increased by 13.36% and the rate of ICSAP decreased by 27.41% in the researched period, with a negative association (r: -0.9000; p = 0.0002) and inverse relation between variables (coefficient: -13.71; p < 0.0001); the three states with the highest coverage were Piauí (98.26%), Paraíba (95.16%) and Sergipe (85.21%). There was a prevalence of hospitalizations in elderly men with chronic conditions. The distribution of Hospitalizations for Conditions Sensitive to Primary Care in the elderly population gradually increased with age. The highest rate occurred in the 70-74 age group. There is a tendency to reduce avoidable hospitalizations of elderly people from the Northeast at the same time that the coverage of the Family Health Strategy expands and there is a direct relationship between the coverage of the Family Health Strategy and avoidable hospitalizations. Conclusion: There was a positive effect of the coverage of the Family Health Strategy on avoidable hospitalizations of elderly people in the Northeast of Brazil.


Descriptors: Health of the Elderly. Primary Health Care. Hospitalization. Ecological Studies


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How to Cite

Carvalho Araújo Moreira, A., Reis de Carvalho, N., Monteiro da Silva, M. A., Thereza Maria Magalhães Moreira, Carvalho Costa, A. L. ., Vasconcelos Azevedo, S. G., Silva de Oliveira, F. E., & Teixeira Fernandes, N. (2023). EFEITO DA ESTRATÉGIA SAÚDE DA FAMÍLIA NAS INTERNAÇÕES EVITÁVEIS DE IDOSOS NORDESTINOS. Revista Brasileira De Ciências Da Saúde, 27(Edição Especial). https://doi.org/10.22478/ufpb.2317-6032.2023v27nEspecial.64464