
  • Anny Caroline Lopes Maia
  • Maria Helena Chaves de Vaconcelos Catão


Objective: to Evaluate "in vitro" the effectiveness of whitening using Laser and LED with 35% hydrogen peroxide in bovine darkened teeth artificially. Material and methods: The teeth were subjected to processes of darkening in vitro which were divided into two groups. Group 1. 35% hydrogen peroxide activated by led, group 2 35% hydrogen peroxide powered Laser whitening. The evaluation was done by two evaluators calibrated through scores prior to staining, after staining and after bleaching. Visual observation. Staining was based on the method of FRECCIA, PETERS (1982) and teeth were evaluated daily to observe the degree of staining. After the blackout, the teeth were again photographed for later comparison with the original images. Results: before staining: examiner 1 noted that: 20% of teeth did not staining, 40% was spotted in only one region, 40% mildly stained; examiner 2 noted that: 10% no staining, 70% just in one region, 20% the entire tooth mildly stained. After staining: examiner 1 found that 50% of the teeth were mildly stained and 50% was the entire tooth spotted, estimates that the examiner 2: 80% presented tooth mildly stained and 20% all tooth spotted. In bleaching with LED, the examiner 1 noted 50% of the teeth with any type of staining, only 20% located in a region and 30% the entire tooth mildly stained, the examiner 2 noted 40% of teeth with any type of staining, only 30% located in a region and 30% the entire tooth mildly stained. In laser whitening, the examiner 1 noted 50% of teeth examined did not submit any kind and 50% located in only one region, the examiner 2 neither kind observed 30% and 70% staining located just in one region. The results showed that the methods presented statistically differences from both the LED and laser whitening and tonality, showing greater effectiveness hydrogen peroxide activated by Laser. Conclusion: the techniques enabled by Laser or LED reached a high level of whitening being what Laser presented superior results in both whitening as in tonality compared to LED. DESCRIPTORS: Tooth Whitening. Hydrogen peroxide. Laser.


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How to Cite

Maia, A. C. L., & Catão, M. H. C. de V. (2010). WHITENING USING LASER AND LED WITH 35% HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. Revista Brasileira De Ciências Da Saúde, 14(1), 99–108. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/rbcs/article/view/6778


