INFORMATION AND CITIZENSHIP: needs and search by women of Santa Catarina State, BRAZIL


  • Maria de Jesus Nascimento


Information needs and mechanisms of search by women of Santa Catarina, Brazil. A sample of seventy high school female teachers of Florianópolis city was selected for the study. The dates were obtained through application of a questionnaire followed by interview. In all schools has a small library and the book is the most important source of information. But just 13% of the sample knows some publication, library or database about gender and little use the Internet. Almost 80% of them have self-determination, but only 30% has work’s decision power. Information is recognized as a strategic social resource by 100% of the sample. They agree too that information can reduce the social differences. It is crucial improve school libraries and informatics labs. Information access can guarantee women’s rights as citizens.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, M. de J. (2003). INFORMATION AND CITIZENSHIP: needs and search by women of Santa Catarina State, BRAZIL. Informação &Amp; Sociedade, 13(2). Retrieved from



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