
  • Éric Trudel Université de Moncton



This article addresses the problem of mental imagery in the interpretation of iconic signifieds. It examines, with regard tothe iconic sign, François Rastier’s hypothesis that “mental images are constrained (but not entirely determined) by signifieds [in context]” (RASTIER, 1991, p. 242), it being understood that, in Rastier’s systematics, the signified, which belongs to the semiotic
sphere, is distinguished from the concept, which belongs to the cognitive sphere. More precisely, it is a matter of transposing to visual semiosis the concept of the multimodal simulacrum proposed by Rastier (1991), a kind of eidetic content that would be generated or at least solicited by the semantic structure of the message. In this hypothesis, the interpretation of the iconic sign would cognitively elicit presentations that potentially combine different represented sensory modalities, and also possibly abstract features. The conceptual transposition proposed in this article integrates the results of work in the field of cognitive psychology on mental imagery with Rastier’s proposals.


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