President Ho Chi Minh’s philosophical thought on diplomacy
Diplomatic ideology, independence, international solidarity, peace, flexible adaptationResumo
Ho Chi Minh's thought on diplomatic relations between Vietnam and other countries is the red thread guiding the foreign affairs activities of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the State of Vietnam in the process of revolutionary struggle and renovation. As a result, Vietnam has achieved significant socio-economic development. During the renovation period, the Communist Party of Vietnam creatively applied Ho Chi Minh Thought; Vietnam expanded its foreign relations, maintained its independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity, and accelerated its development process. This study clarifies the main principles of Ho Chi Minh's diplomatic thought and evaluates their essential role in Vietnam's revolutionary cause and success in the international arena. In addition, the study also analyzes how these ideas continue to promote their value in the context of Vietnam's modern diplomacy, contributing to building an international environment of peace, justice, and sustainable development.
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