Thor and Ullr in the viking Hebrides? Placenames, landscape and archaeology
In this article, I explore the landscape of two potential Norse theonyms to the gods Thor and Ullr in the Hebrides, particularly on the island of Lewis. Using a methodology that combines the local vicinity of the placename with topographical data (relation to bodies of water and agricultural potential) and archaeological evidence, as well as a comparison to known theonyms to Thor and Ullr in Norway, this article explores the potentiality of these placenames as theonyms. I argue that these placenames are likely theonyms to the gods Thor and Ullr. There are further ramifications for Norse theonyms on Lewis. The first is that they represent a different naming system than in the Norwegian homeland, illustrating the non-uniform nature of Scandinavian cultic practices. The second is that they are indicators of political power that is hierarchical but with multiple elite centres in the region.
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