Unload to embrace the light

Autoethnography Notes about Reinventing Distance Learning


  • Vinícius Gabriel da Silva
  • Eveline Lúcia da Silva Torres Universidade Federal da Paraíba




After the announcement of the arrival of covid-19 in Brazil, the schools had their activities closed indefinitely in the middle of March. Teachers have had to reinvent the ways to provide instruction because of the necessity to remain at a distance from the students. Many teachers and students are in the process of adapting to using various new techniques, such as using computers, cell phones, ipods, pads, and meets. Now it seems that students will not learn with blackboard and chalk in the classroom, but with other means instead. It is now a transitory moment for the exchange of knowledge in the classroom. Will each one of the teachers create new rituals? There is a transition happening between online and offline. Therefore, the objective is to describe ethnographic notes about problems that involve distance learning after social distancing has been put into effect and to analyze the different conditions of participation from perspective as a volunteer teacher in course that focus on the Pre-Exams National High School (ENEM) and basic education teacher. The reports emerged from the situations of moments shared between fellow teachers and a teacher of basic education in a private school who shared their quarantine with a volunteer teacher in a pre-university course.



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