Morphobiometry of fruits and seeds of <i>Schizolobium amazonicumHuber</i> ex Ducke
Paricá, Propagation of forest species, MorphologyAbstract
The species Shizolobium amazonicum(paricá) has been widely cultivated in the northern and northeastern regions of Brazil because of its rapid growth and potential in the timber sector.In view of this, the objective of this study was to evaluate the biometry of seeds and fruits of paricá. Ripe fruits were collected in the crown of randomly selected and located in urban areas in December 2015. The biometry of fruits and seeds was carriedout at the Laboratory of Technology and Seed Production, State University of Southwest of Bahiacampus of Vitória da Conquista, where measurements, length, width and thickness, expressed in millimeters.The length was determined, using a ruler, the width and thickness using a digital caliper, with an accuracy of 0.05 mm. Data weresubmitted to descriptive statistical analysis and for each characteristic the mean, standard deviation and variance. Paricá seeds and fruits presented greater homogeneity in length, width and thickness indicating greater genetic potential of the species.