Clima Acessível

a proposal for innovation and inclusion of communicative accessibility in audiovisual journalistic content for people with sensory disabilities




Communicative Accessibility, Innovation, Journalism, Creative Industry


This practical experience problematizes the lack of audiovisual journalistic content accessible to people with sensory impairments (visual, auditory and/or cognitive) on the theme: meteorology, in the Creative Industry. Its purpose is to test a change in the production process by introducing the concept of communicative accessibility since the genesis of the project. Therefore, it starts from the logic of transmethodology and uses participatory research as a methodological framework to try to understand whether the inclusion of this practice contributes to the elimination of information barriers. As a result of the experience, two videos were produced with accessibility features such as audio description, subtitles and a Libras (Brazilian Sign Language) window. The conclusion is that by adopting communicative accessibility practices and concepts, from the beginning, the communication process becomes more inclusive and eliminates informational barriers.


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Author Biography

Caroline Andrades, Universidade Federal do Pampa - Unipampa

Journalist and Master's Student of the Graduate Program in Communication and Creative Industry (PPGCIC) at the Federal University of Pampa (Unipampa). She was an intern at Unipampa's Social Communication Department (ACS) and at Cultura AM and Fronteira FM radio stations. In her Course Completion Paper, she conducted a reception survey to understand how People with Sensory Disabilities consume information from a local newscast's weather report. In her professional master's degree, she develops content about weather and climate for YouTube with audio description, closed caption and Libras (Brazilian Sign Language) window. She is interested in environmental journalism, meteorology and accessible productions for people with disabilities. She is currently a member of the t3xto Research Group (Unipampa / CNPq) and a press officer.


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How to Cite

MARCO; ANDRADES, C. Clima Acessível: a proposal for innovation and inclusion of communicative accessibility in audiovisual journalistic content for people with sensory disabilities. Culturas Midiáticas, [S. l.], v. 15, p. 19, 2021. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2763-9398.2021v15n.61213. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Dossier:Communication,accessibility & representation of people with disabilities