Listening, attention, and surveillance?

the influence of Californian Ideology on music




Listening. Music. Attention. Surveillance. Platformization.


The article proposes an analysis of the production and consumption of music based on the ideals of the California Ideology. It is understood that this ideology contains elements to comprehend the development of contemporary technology and the various practices derived from it. The transformation of various aspects of daily life is considered through the lens of digital culture, the datafication of information, and the automation of skills. The study will examine aspects such as home studios and the Do-it-Yourself (DIY) culture, as well as the platformization of cultural content, in the context of personal data collection and surveillance capitalism.


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Author Biographies

Thiago de Almeida Menini, Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ)

PhD candidate in the Graduate Program in Social Communication at UERJ since 2019; Master's degree from PPGCOM UFJF in the concentration area of Aesthetics, Networks, and Languages (2016). Music education from the Haideé França Americano State Conservatory of Music.

Vinicius Andrade Pereira, Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ)

Professor at the College and the Graduate Program in Communication at UERJ. Visiting Professor at the Winchester School of Art (University of Southampton) (Capes Scholarship – 2023).


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How to Cite

DE ALMEIDA MENINI, T.; ANDRADE PEREIRA, V. Listening, attention, and surveillance? the influence of Californian Ideology on music. Culturas Midiáticas, [S. l.], v. 20, p. 05–23, 2023. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2763-9398.2023v20n.67782. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.