The machine and the sense production: cyberspace as contemporary challenge
From reflections in which we associate the establishment of the contemporary machine as a meaningless form of structurality, and the predominance of hybridism on organizing sense experience, we want now understand, in greater detail, how sense is touted in its current technical manifestation. In this direction we first examine the predominance of language in the constitution of classical and modern machine in the production of sense. Then, we seek to understand how contemporary machines, summarized by virtuality and pervasiveness of the Turing machine, operate algorithms as a way of signification. We conclude, upon this contrast, that the contemporary machine updated by cyberspace is anchored in operations fundamentally different from classical and modern machine. It produces a new order of operations, more radical and inclusive - to the point that it waives the production of sense, as previously practiced. This conclusion, however, far from stabilizing the course of our research, opens new and unexpected ways, which must be treated to understand the pragmatics of language in cyberspace.Downloads
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