
  • Angela Michelis UEPB



philosophy, praxis, dialectic, history, intellectuals, politics


Whilst in the midst of crisis-ridden politics in its various forms that have developed since Modernity, this essay attempts to demonstrate that Antonio Gramsci's analysis is not out of date at its core but indicates what still has to be fulfilled. It still remains true if we have in common the idea of the need for solidarity and sharing for that political animal that is the human being, beyond what makes us different. Those who can provide an important contribution to culture and therefore to society, the intellectuals, have the task of deconstructively criticising the concepts of the world that no longer have a progressive impulse but tend towards the conservation of an exclusive status quo. Their role is to advance theoretically and to direct their own and their collective actions towards a real historical process that leads dialectically to a situation of formal and substantive justice. Gramsci was himself first and foremost a politician directed towards staunchly holding together theory and praxis at the cost of his very life.


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