
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

The editorial process is only starting if the manuscript’s despatch is according to the guidelines this document establishes. Otherwise it will be sent back for adequating to the guidelines of this journal. 

1)  The  Brazilian Journal of Public and International Policies (RPPI) only accepts the publication of original articles that have not been published previously in any other scientific journals or books. Articles presented in scientific events may be presented for editorial consideration , but being properly informed to the editorial board during the online process of submission. All articles sent go through plagiarism review via specific software.

2) The RPPI attends to the publication norms from the APA: "Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition, 2010)". A synthetic guideline for the main forms of citation and bibliographic references, al well as to the organization of the manuscript can be found at

3) The submission documents must be on Microsoft Word format (.doc, .docx ou .rtf) and should not exceed the  limit of words indicated for every category, according to what was described in the “Section Policies”  (including, Abstract, Figures, Tables, Annexes and References, besides the text itself). Here is a reminder of the word limit for each type of publication: Articles (up to 8.000 words), Book reviews (up to 2.500 words) and Research notes (up to 2.500 words). 

4) It is fundamental that the material does not contain any form of authorship identification, which includes references to previous works from the author(s), mention of institutions to which they may be bonded, as well as information referred to in the documents properties.

The authors who have their submissions approved for publication will have the opportunity, during final reviews, of including necessary data.

5) The metadata for submission must be filled in completely and correctly.

6) The original texts must be submitted via internet through the author’s registration on the journal’s website:

7)  When registering, please fill in all the data of the form according to what is solicited and with precision, specially the “metadata” section. This helps the search for your article by the indexers and journal’s search mechanisms.


1) Formatting Guidelines  

  1. The manuscript, being an article, must not be over 8.000 words, from Abstract to References, including the Tables, Figures and Annexes, in A4 format, with pages starting from the Abstract, which will be page number 1.
  2. Lettering: Liberation Serif or Times New Roman, size 12, for the whole text, including references, notes, tables, etc.
  3. Margins: 3cm superior / 2cm laterals.
  4. Spacing: double throughout the manuscript, including Cover Sheet, Abstract, Body Text, References, Annexes etc.
  5. Alignment: righteous.
  6. First line alignment: tab = 1,5cm
  7. Page Numbering: right superior corner.
  8. Internet Websites: All the “URL” (internet links) in the text (ex.: must be active and lead directly to the mentioned document.


2) Manuscript Elements  

The manuscript elements must be presented in the following order: Cover Sheet with title and without identification, and Abstract. The body text starts on second page and there continue the Footnotes, References, Annexes, Tables and Figures.

  1. Cover Sheet without identification: Original title and compatible title in English. No authorship identification; Abstracts both in Portuguese and English: Paragraphs limited to 200 words with the title “Resumo” written on the first line below the heading. By the end of the “resumo”, list at least three and maximum five keywords in Portuguese (lowercase letters separated by semicolon). The Abstract must be faithful to the Portuguese version, but not a “literal” translation of the same. Hence, the translation must preserve the content of the “Resumo”, but also adapt to the English language grammatical style. The Abstract must be followed by the keywords. It is suggested to use keywords derived by the Psychology terminology from BVPsi or Psycinfo’s Thesaurus. In case submission of book reviews or research notes the Abstract is not necessary.
  2. Body Text: It is not necessary to put a title of the manuscript on this page. The subsections of the body text do not start each one in a new page. It’s titles must be aligned to the left, having only the first capital letter and number (eg.: ‘1. Method and discussion’, for empirical articles). The subtitles for the subsections must be in italic, having the first capital letter and be numbered subsequently (eg.: the subtitles if the subsection ‘1.2. Research Techniques’). Titles and subtitles must not be followed by period. Having subdivisions in the text, it is recommended a maximum of three levels intertitles numbered subsequently (eg.: 1, 1.1, 1.1.1).

The words Figure, Table, Annex that appear in the text must be written with initial capital letter and followed by the number (Figures and Tables) or letter (Annexes) to which they refer. Os locais sugeridos para inserção de figuras e tabelas deverão ser indicados no texto. Expressions such as “the Table above” or “the Figure below” must not be used, as in the diagramation process their location might be altered. The guidelines do not include the denominations Charts or Graphics As normas não incluem as denominações Quadros ou Gráficos. All tables must be done on Word.

Underlineds, Italics and Bolds: Use Italic for words or expressions for “foreign expressions”, like “self”, “locus” etc. and underline for other words you might want to lay stress on.  Reserve the use of bold for titles.

Always credit the authors. All authors’/institutions’ names whose works are cited must be followed by the time of publication. All studies cited in the text must be listed in the References section or on Notes, if they have not been published.

  1. Notes: Must be indicated in the text by sobrescribed algorithms and immediately presented after the Body Text.
  2. References: Initiate a new page for the References section, with this title centralized on the first line below the header. Only the works cited on the text must appear in this section.

Do not leave any extra space between the citations. The references must be cited in alphabetical order according to the last name of the authors, following APA’s norms and editing in the examples below. Use the  Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010, 6th edition) to verify the norms not mentioned here. 

  1. Annexes: There must only be included if they contain information considered extremely necessary. The annexes must be presented each in a new page. They must be indicated in the text and presented by the end of the manuscript, identified by the alphabet in capital letters (A, B, C, and so on), if they are more than one.
  2. Tables: They must be elaborated on Microsoft Word or LibreOffice Text Document. Each table starts in a separate page. The word Table is aligned to the left on the first line below the header and followed by the number established for it. Type the title of the table on the left, in italic without period. Only the first letter of the title and given names must be in capital letters.
  3. Figures: Figuras: Must be JPG archives and presented in a new page. Must not be larger than 15cmx20cm. The word “Figure” is supposed to be aligned to the left on the first line below the header and followed by the figure’s number. Type the title of the figure to the left, in italic without period. Only the first letter of the title and given names should be in capital letters.



This section is dedicated to the publication of original articles, limited to 8.000 words, focused on current or historical debates about Public Policies and International Management, being they in the national or international scope, or in the field of bilateral or multilateral cooperation.



This section is dedicated to the divulgation of notes on research, works in progress with preliminary but still inconclusive results. That’s a concise text, limited to 4.000 words, which the main objective is to divulge the inconclusive results, researches’ designs, relevant problematics for the field, notes on the research agenda on the area, appreciation of a method, it’s approaches and material treatment, and other similar forms.



This section is dedicated to the publication of reviews in the area of Public Policies and Public Management of national and international nature. The text must be limited to 2.500 words. Reviews about books in the scope area of this journal, with temporal restriction left to the editors’ criterias. It’s expected that the review can establish a dialogue between the analyzed work and the pertinent literature.



This section is dedicated to the publication of series of articles of specific themes, according to the calling of articles ad hoc for special editions.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.