Estratégias de gestão em políticas sociais

Instrumentos e arranjos de governança como contribuição do ativismo institucional


  • Erica Aparhyan Stella Fundação Getúlio Vargas
  • Marina Carvalho Marcelli Ruzzi



In the context of policies that involve complex social problems, there is a movement of approximation of state bureaucracies and social movements. It is also observed the activity of militants who, in search of an active representativeness, seek to insert themselves in governmental positions. Based on two public policies, the Programa Casa Abrigo Regional (Regional Home and Shelter Program) and Cataforte III, we analyze the processes of construction and negotiation regarding the governance instruments and arrangements. These processes were led by state bureaucrats. We provide evidence that the choice for certain instruments was derived from these bureaucrats’ comprehensions of the best way to mobilize the state apparatus in favor of their own agenda and that the governance arrangements allowed the sharing of different resources of the actors involved for the implementation of public policies.


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