Cuidado às pessoas com deficiência em serviços de acolhimento institucional no Brasil: análise a partir do Censo SUAS, 2020.

Care for people with disabilities in institutional care services in Brazil: analysis based on Censo SUAS, 2020.




careful; disabled people; institutional care; social support; public health


 It aims to analyze the supply of institutional shelter services for people with disabilities in Brazil, by mapping the supply and its type of management. This is a descriptive cross-sectional study with the SUAS 2020 Census as a data source. As a result, we obtained a total of 4,852 institutions in the modality of Shelter, 823 in the modality of Shelter for children and adolescents, totaling 5,675 institutions. Of these, 38% are governmental and 54% are non-governmental; of this total, 4,131 institutions were found, representing 72.79% of the institutions that claim to have PCDs in their specific public. There are 335 institutions exclusively for people with disabilities, separated in 312 for adults and 23 for children/adolescents. It was concluded that the supply of shelters in Brazil is unevenly distributed, so it is necessary to build and strengthen the intersectoriality of the Unified Health System (SUS) and Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS), because the results show that most are non-governmental institutions and on the margins of the capitals. Because there are many people with special needs sheltered in most of these services in the country, on one hand, a coexistence that can be productive is allowed; however, it is necessary to pay attention to the demand for accessibility in these services. We also emphasize the importance of deinstitutionalization, to reestablish the autonomy and social inclusion of people with disabilities, thus, it will have repercussions on the expansion of social protection and this supply, causing direct impact on PWD, which have a significant number of institutionally housed peopl


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Author Biographies

Jéssica de Souza Lopes, UnB - Universidade de Brasília

Bacharel em Saúde Coletiva pela Universidade de Brasília (2014). Mestre em Saúde Coletiva pela Universidade de Brasília (2018). Doutoranda em Saúde Coletiva - Programa de Pós Graduação em Saúde Coletiva FS/UnB (2021). Supervisora e pesquisadora na pesquisa intitulada “ Pessoas com deficiência vivendo em acolhimentos institucionais: consequências da COVID-19, autonomia e organização da rede de cuidado” (2024). Atualmente é consultora técnica na CAESA – Coordenação de Ações Estruturantes em Economia da Saúde – DESID/SECTICS/MS.

Éverton Luís Pereira , Universidade de Brasília

===Graduado em Ciências Sociais Bacharelado pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (2005), mestre em Antropologia Social pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (2008) e doutor em Antropologia Social pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (2013), com estágio doutoral na University of Texas at Austin (2011- 2012). Estágio pós-doutoral no Medical Anthropology Research Centre (MARC) da Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV). Atualmente é professor adjunto da Universidade de Brasília (UnB), atuando no ensino de graduação e pós-graduação. Professor credenciado nos programas de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais - Estudos Comparados sobre as Américas (Mestrado e Doutorado) & Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva (Mestrado Acadêmico e Profissional e Doutorado).

