Doctor, the Remedy is Good, but Service Only Mercy!


  • João Batista Soares Neto Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Flávio Perazzo Barbosa Mota Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Nicolas Renato Siqueira de Araújo Faculdade Internacional da Paraíba
  • Janayna Souto Leal Centro Universitário de João Pessoa - UNIPÊ



The case describes the situation experienced by the CardioMaIs clinic. Over the course of fifteen years, the company has distinguished itself by medical competence and other added services. However, the annual growth in the company's revenue was in contrast to the constant customer complaints related to the experience. The clinic needed to continue expanding, however, doubts about which marketing and service strategies could be adopted were worrisome. Therefore, the case seeks to address theories relevant to the stages of the sales and service process, the meanings and brand recirculation, sensory stimuli in the store environment, positioning strategies and the psychological core and aims to develop the skills aimed at students. the interpretation of the concepts of marketing, sales and quality of service, in addition to understanding the interrelationship between them. The names of companies, managers and the host city have been changed in the name of preserving privacy. Thus, secondary data were obtained through bibliographic research on the company, competitors and the market in which it operates. Initially, two interviews were conducted with the owners and managers of the clinic, in addition, 432 valid questionnaires were answered by the patients. It is recommended to apply the case in the subjects of Introduction to Marketing and Marketing Management, both at the undergraduate level in Administration. It is also suggested, depending on the content of the menus, in Administration subjects offered to undergraduate courses in the health area.


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How to Cite

Batista Soares Neto, J., Perazzo Barbosa Mota, F., Renato Siqueira de Araújo, N. ., & Leal, J. S. (2021). Doctor, the Remedy is Good, but Service Only Mercy!. Theory and Practice in Administration - TPA, 11(especial), 1–15.



Caso para Ensino (Teaching Case)