Contributions of a qualitative methodological path for studies on Individual Microentrepreneurs (MEI)




Methodological path, Qualitative approach, Research techniques, Individual Microentrepreneur, MEI


Purpose: Our work aims to present the contributions that a qualitative research methodological path can offer to studies that investigate Individual Microentrepreneurs (MEIs). Methodology: Based on exploratory research into the conceptual themes and legal framework of the MEI, we adopted a basic qualitative methodological approach, using three data collection techniques: documentary research, observation and narrative interviews. Main results: We present a methodological path experienced and constructed based on the research context and the characteristics of the participants, pointing out the contributions that the methodological approach and research techniques can offer to studies involving MEI, as well as their benefits for the field empirical and literature that deals with the topic. Academic contributions: From a theoretical point of view, we discuss dominant views and homogeneous representations, challenging established mainstreams in the field of entrepreneurship and MEI. In addition to supporting field research, the study contributes by strengthening a methodological position that allows expanding current representations about microentrepreneurship, helping a scientific construction close to the worker, aware of their particularities, immersed in their practices and inserted in their context of activity. Practical contributions: Adding contrasts and expanding perspectives on MEIs, the methodology explored makes it possible to build significant performative effects, that is, reaching the level of social implications. As it allows deepening knowledge of certain realities and the specificities of groups or contexts of MEIs, it allows public agents to move beyond horizontal and homogeneous actions aimed at them.


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How to Cite

Dal Molin Wissmann, A., & Lisiane Quadrado Closs. (2024). Contributions of a qualitative methodological path for studies on Individual Microentrepreneurs (MEI). Theory and Practice in Administration - TPA, 14(1).



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