Teaching and learning organizational creativity

theatrical improvisation as a regenerative practice





Management Education, Management Learning, Organizational Creativity, Theatrical Improvisation, Practice


Purpose: The research aims to understand how theatrical improvisation sustains and regenerates the process of teaching and learning organizational creativity. Methodology: Methodology: The research is anchored in the field of teaching and learning creativity in management and theatrical improvisation. During four academic semesters of a curricular component of the undergraduate course in management, theatrical improvisation was applied to enhance the teaching and learning of organizational creativity. The qualitative method was based on the epistemology of practice, the analysis of narratives, and varied sources of information such as direct observation, collective interviews, and documents. Main results: The analysis reveals four learning practices of organizational creativity provided by theatrical improvisation: state of presence, willingness to error and risk, interpersonal cooperation, and dynamics between freedom and structure. Academic contributions: The results of the research represent a contribution to the advancement of knowledge in management by proposing the interdisciplinar mobilization of theater in the educational process in management and by clarifying how this use sustains and regenerates the learning of organizational creativity. Practical contributions: Practical contributions: The research and its results suggest insights for educational managers to promote curricular change and renewal by including creativity centrally in the curricula.


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Author Biographies

Perola Dourado, UFBA

Doutora em Administração (Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA) com Doutorado sanduíche na Webster University - Genebra/Suíça e na Dublin City University - Dublin/Irlanda. Mestre em Psicologia (UFBA). Graduada em Administração (Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana - UEFS). Gerente administrativa e financeira no Instituto de Humanidades, Artes e Ciências Prof. Milton Santos (IHAC) da Universidade Federal da Bahia.

Eduardo Davel, UFBA

Professor na Escola de Administração da Universidade Federal da Bahia. Pesquisador no CIAGS - Centro Interdisciplinar de Desenvolvimento e Gestão Social (UFBA) e no NPGA - Núcleo de Pós-graduação em Administração (UFBA). Pós-doutorado em Administração pela Nova School of Business and Economics da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal). Ph.D. em Administração pela École des Hautes Études commerciales de Montreal (Canadá). Pesquisador visitante na Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science da New School for Social Research (New York, EUA). Coordenador do coletivo de pesquisa OCA - Organizações, Cultura e Arte (CNPq). Editor-chefe da O&S - Revista Organizações & Sociedade. Pesquisa e publica sobre empreendedorismo cultural, educação em Administração, métodos qualitativos de pesquisa, aprendizagem, criatividade, cultura, arte e estética nas organizações.


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How to Cite

Dourado, P., & Davel, E. . (2024). Teaching and learning organizational creativity: theatrical improvisation as a regenerative practice. Theory and Practice in Administration - TPA, 14(2). https://doi.org/10.22478/ufpb.2238-104X.2024v14n2.69756



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