the reality of the staff of the archives of CAGEPA, PBPREV and SEAD


  • Ana Carolina Soares Santos UEPB
  • Eliete Correia dos Santos


Information Technologies, Digital Literacy, Contemporary Archivology


Information Technologies (TI) occupy more space, in several areas, in society. Even though they have been present for over 20 years, the lack of Digital Literacy is still contemplated in some people. It is observed that Archives are directly influenced by the impact of TI, which results in the need to have employees trained to adapt to new ways of working. This research has as general objective to present the impacts of the limitation (or not) of Digital Literacy of the servers in the Archives to face the challenges of Contemporary Archival Science. And for that, it is intended to show the importance of Digital Literacy in Archives in contemporary times; analyze the reality of the Archives of CAGEPA, PBPREV and SEAD about the absence or not of acquiring/developing Digital Literacy and; to identify the degree of Digital Literacy of professionals from the Archives surveyed. This is a participatory research in the archives, exploratory and descriptive. The collection will be carried out through observation in loco and through a semistructured interview, which will allow the understanding of the reality of the collaborators of the Archives. As for the results, it is expected that the project encourages: 1. agencies to invest in Digital Literacy so that archival services are improved and; 2. the scientific community in order to investigate and develop studies related to Digital Literacy, specifically in the area of ​​Archivology.


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Author Biography

Ana Carolina Soares Santos, UEPB

Graduada em Arquivologia pela UEPB.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, A. C. S.; ELIETE CORREIA DOS SANTOS. THE THE IMPACTS OF DIGITAL LITERACY FOR CONTEMPORARY ARCHIVOLOGY:: the reality of the staff of the archives of CAGEPA, PBPREV and SEAD. Archeion Online, [S. l.], v. 11, n. Edição Especial, p. 20–37, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.

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