Gestão de e-mail

um desafio para a administração pública federal


  • Renato Tarciso Barbosa de Sousa UNB
  • Lara Luiza da Silva Aquino



E-mail, Gestão de documentos arquivísticos, Administração pública federal


The main aim of this study is to see how the Federal Public Administration deals with email messages from an archival point of view. The specific objectives are as follows: to map the national and international literature on the subject; to identify the trajectory of the use of e-mail, from its implementation in Brazil to its characterization as an archival record; to verify the management of emails in public organizations. In terms of its objective, this research is exploratory, as it seeks to broaden knowledge on a topic, the organization of emails in the Federal Public Administration, which has been little explored in the field. It is a bibliographical and documentary study in terms of collection procedures and sources of information. It is a qualitative study in terms of the nature of the data.  It is also a documentary study, as it will consist of examining the regulations drawn up by public bodies on email management. The activities consisted of mapping the literature on the subject, drawing up the literature review and the questionnaire and systematizing the data collected. Despite being considered archival documents and treated as such, in practice the reality of federal public administration institutions revealed that there is no archival treatment of emails and sometimes they are disposed of discretionarily. More studies are needed into the identification, management and preservation of emails so that the information they contain can be structured, accessible, preserved in the long term and remain authentic.


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Author Biographies

Renato Tarciso Barbosa de Sousa, UNB

Professor Doutor em História Social. E-mail:

Lara Luiza da Silva Aquino

Empreendedora Graduada em Arquivologia


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How to Cite

TARCISO BARBOSA DE SOUSA, R. .; LUIZA DA SILVA AQUINO, L. . Gestão de e-mail: um desafio para a administração pública federal. Archeion Online, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 2, p. p.144–161, 2023. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2318-6186.2023v11n2.68958. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jan. 2025.