Ho Chi Minh's philosophical thought on the role of the people





Ho Chi Min, culture, role of the people


In the 21st century, the world, in addition to the brilliant achievements in science and technology and the strong development of economies, is also facing significant political challenges in terms of culture, society, and especially the environment. These phenomena are increasing day by day, certainly directly affecting the survival of each nation. Therefore, in the development strategies of current countries, sustainable development is the central goal of development. In Ho Chi Minh’s ideology of social development, decisions belong to the people because the people are the subjects of history. The role of people’s mastery in the cause of social construction means that Vietnam is linked to sustainable development. The company can realize the work of concentrating all people’s resources to develop the country. The thoughts and feelings about the people of Ho Chi Minh are not just the strata of the Vietnamese people who participated in the revolution to gain independence for the Vietnamese people, but the driving force behind the sustainable development of the country. Because in the goal of sustainable development, it is necessary to develop the economy, develop culture and society, encourage poverty eradication and post-clubs, and bring whole food, warm clothes, and welfare to the people, bringing Vietnam The South is progressing with progressive countries in the world; Economic growth is a quality condition to ensure progress and social justice, ensuring Vietnam escapes poverty and backwardness. Deeply researching, applying, and promoting Ho Chi Minh’s political ideology on the role of the people is necessary to have a basis for discussion linked to the method of promoting sustainable development in Vietnam today.


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Biografia do Autor

Nguyen Duy Cuong, VNU University of Social Sciences and Humanities – VNU-USSH

Ph.D.of Philosophy. Professor at VNU University of Social Sciences and Humanities – VNU-USSH, Vietnam.


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Como Citar

Duy Cuong, . N. (2024). Ho Chi Minh’s philosophical thought on the role of the people. Aufklärung: Journal of Philosophy, 11(Especial), p.145–154. https://doi.org/10.18012/arf.v11iEspecial.70842