Dissemination of the professional information in linkedin: an analysis under the optics of the social nets.
The nomenclature social networking is used to define the associations among people. In this sense this paper studies the social networks as a tool for the information dissemination between professionals. Presents a literature review on the origin and historic evolution of social networks, emphasizing the professional social networks. Uses quantitative and qualitative methodology, has as its basis for data collection technique and content analysis was applied to a case study. Had as its object of study, professional users in the LinkedIn social network, that make up the author. Developed an instrument for data collection. The research is descriptive in nature, intended to check the interaction of informational professionals in information science and related areas, users of social network LinkedIn, through understanding, mediation, movement and use of information. It was considered that it would be possible to identify the dissemination of information on the social network LinkedIn, that the transfer was through the connections among network users, mainly through the exchange of messages and discussion groups. Identified the existence of communication and interaction among information professionals in various fields. Finally presents data and quantitative relationships from the collection place. It was found that the professional social networks, have the potential to be more a tool for information professionals in the use and development of its duties in the units of information.Downloads
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