Senses of reading in libraries named alternative


  • Gustavo Grandini Bastos
  • Lucília Maria Sousa Romão


In this work we mobilized the notion of reading the Discourse Analysis following the French approach to investigate how speechlization within libraries named alternatives and known as spaces for unconventional reading. Thus, we analyzed the subject-readers’ speech, included among four libraries: Barca dos Livros de Santa Catarina, that leads reading through a boat; Becei de Paraisópolis, located within a slum in São Paulo; the mobile library Leitura de Barraco, scattered in a rural settlement of the Movimento dos Sem-Terra (MST) and Borrachalioteca de Sabará in Minas Gerais. We note that these libraries are spoken as spaces that break the stereotype of place that is silent, shut its readers and regulated by strict rules and installing the image of a place that allows exchange of practices and meanings about acts of reading


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